Friday, August 10, 2012

We Made It!

Traffic was horrible...the rain was driving through a tarmac lake...but we made it and it is such a beautiful hotel. Looks brand new in the art deco style.

Kameron says, "It took so long to get here but we are finally here."

Kameron took this out the back window...
We have lots of company...

Kameron needed the top 2 drawers for his clothes...he folded them all and stacked them very nicely in the drawer. This was the second thing he did...the first was to dance around the room
Dinner is ordered and the marathon Mouse Trap games are beginning. After dinner, to the pool.


  1. Who won Mouse Trap. I loved playing that game as a kid. Heck, I'd love playing it now. So cute Kameron brought some of his stuffed animals on the trip too. Funny how kids need a piece of home when they're away.

  2. I'm with Donna...who got caged? Must have been tough driving through all the "tropical" rain....unbelievable!

  3. Grandma sue was caged!! I tried my best to elude capture...but to no avail...Kameron is ruthless. LOL!
